Friday, November 29, 2013

random things about hab

Hi world!

I'm hab. 

Lately, I've been having this thought that when I'm gone, people may not even notice that I'd been here. How sad. But I still have hope, you know, that someone will miss me, and try to understand who I was. So.. this is to you random citizen, a bunch of random facts about me.

Prepare yourself for the rain of random and useless facts
[all the gifs used in this post are from hoppip]

1. My favorite movie of the Star Wars saga is Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. 

2. My favorite fruit is banana.

3. A glass of water always cheers me up. I love water more than any other type of drink.

4. I'm a clumsy piece of sht. I had my right foot burnt by boiling water when I was 5, my pinky broken when playing jump rope in 4th grade and my left ankle cracked when riding a bike in 5th grade. Not to mention countless times of falling to hard ground and down the stairs =,=

5. I love the color Green. Ever since I was first given a box of crayon, green has always been my first choice. I don't know why. It just makes me happy to see the beautiful green.


6. I love cooking. It's what I can totally do in absolute silence. To be able to do other things, I'd probably need some music.

7. In 3rd grade, there was a boy telling me that he liked me. I was stunted for a minute, because I liked him too. But then I could only manage to say "Thank you" and got back to telling Goosebumps stories to my friends. The boy hated me with his guts after that, for I was being so cold. 

Just like that =,=

8. I told a friend once that The Conjuring is not a very scary movie. But the truth is that I had covered my eyes in almost every frightening scenes. 

9. I took a Karate class when I was 12, but then dropped out in the combat practice. My mom said I was such a coward. I guess it's true. But the main reason was that the whole class was sharing the same teeth protector and I found it so gross that I quit. I'd rather improvise when it comes to fighting, than put that teeth protector in my mouth. 

10. I have a habit of writing stories when I'm bored. It would be a great habit.. if I could just finish at least one story!! Seriously, my stories tend to start out really good, and have an intense climax too, but I could never find a good ending. So, my story writing process is like this: I write a story, cannot put an end to it, then hide it somewhere ridiculous (like under the mattress) and finally just forget the whole thing. The other day, when cleaning my room, I found a story that I wrote when I was 14. I was so happy reading it, until I got angry because it had no endings, just blank paper after "She got up and.." Oh my gosh.. where did my character go after that???

11. When I first meet someone, I'll notice their shoes first, then their fingers and their lips. I don't know why. It's just some features that I like in humanbeings. I love worn out shoes too, it means the person walks, a lot. 

12. When scrolling 9GAG, I always skip the scumbag steve or scumbag stacy posts. I just don't like those posts.

13. After watching an impressive amount of movies, I got the wrong idea that having sex means two people getting close to each other, kissing and panting O,O Gosh.. That's why I always keep a distance from everyone I've ever met. Silly me. After a while, I learnt in biology class that people have to put their "parts" where they fit in order to make a baby. Geez.. What a relief!

That's it. Some random stuffs about me ^_^